Yeah The Girls

Avoid the boys, join a womens clinic

We understand that many women appreciate the ability to join a women-only group, so we run these regularly. Not only this, we have Huck It to really support the local women's MTB scene.
"Huck It' is our brand for any coaching run by a woman coach, with only women participants.

All of our group clinics (and private coaching) are available in a women-specific form.

If a women-only session is run by one of our kick-ass woman coaches* they are branded as a "Huck It" session, to make it easy for you to know your options to have no men involved at all. Find them listed with all of our open sessions on the Upcoming Clinics page, and keep an eye on the Huck It Coaching social media.

These are all Black Ram MTB clinics and so you can complete a pre-requisite clinic as either Black Ram or Huck It branded and it will apply to any follow-up clinic from either.

* Occasionally we will have to make a last-minute instructor change.